Your Keto Calculator

Find Your Ideal Weight    (Find Your Ideal Weight - Maintenance Calories - Alternate Keto Calculator.)




Ketones are by-products of fat burning.

They can be used for fuel and occur when you lower your dietary carbs.

Ketosis is the condition of this happening.

The way one gets into ketosis is by reducing carbohydrates in the diet down to between 20 and 50 grams per day.

Carbs stimulate the hormone that stores fat.

This hormone is called insulin.

In the presence of excessive insulin, the burning of fat is stopped cold.

There are huge benefits to keeping insulin in a normal range.

Carbs and frequent eating keep insulin high.

To get into a state of ketosis so you can run on fat instead of glucose—and finally burn your own fat stores for fuel—you will need to start adapting your body to fat burning.

You have to switch the body’s preferred fuel source.

This can take anywhere from three days to two weeks.

Most people need to consume between 1,200 and 2,100 calories per day, depending on the size of the body.

You want to keep your carbohydrate amounts between 20 and 50 grams perday.

Many people use 30 grams to keep it simple, but the lower the carbohydrates, the greater the fat burning.


Consuming large salads with spring mix, spinach, arugula or even cabbage will start to give you the nutrients that help undo insulin resistance.


On average, you will be consuming 3 to 6 ounces of protein at each meal.

Fat Amounts

When you calculate 70 percent of your total calories per day, the fat may seem like a lot.

However, because fat has more than double the calories of the same volume of proteins and carbs, it’s not that much.



Reduce your dietary sugar down to zero!

Sugar comes in various forms.


Table sugar (cane and beet)
Brown sugar
Agave nectar
High-fructose corn syrup
Maple syrup
Rice syrup


There are acceptable sweet alternatives.

Stevia, non-GMO erythritol and non-GMO xylitol.

Avoid Grains And Starches

You have to avoid ALL grains, including oats, wheat and barley.

Starches to avoid

White and red potatoes, sweet potatoes, yams, white and brown rice, corn (even though it’s a vegetable) and cornstarch.

Fruits to avoid

Apples, bananas, pineapples, pears, dates, figs, grapes (and raisins), as well as fruit juices (orange, grape and apple juice—even tomato juice).

Exception: Small amounts (one half to one cup) of berries per day.

Legumes (beans)

Legumes to avoid include beans.

Exception: Hummus.


It is okay to be a little hungry as long as it does not impair your cognitive function or cause headaches or weakness.

Allow your body to adjust to running on fat.

For those addicted to sugar, in various forms, this can take a while.

Your cells will eventually adjust, and you’ll enter full fat-burning mode.

Then it gets really easy to resist snacking because you have no cravings and are not hungry anymore.

When you see the weight simply melting off, this will motivate you to stick to your new way of eating.

What Are the Benefits?

No more cravings
Less hunger between meals
Better memory
Cardiovascular protection
No more cravings
Normal blood sugar
Improved mood
Improved cholesterol
Way more energy
Amazing skin
Much less inflammation
Improved sleep

Keto-Adaptation Side Effects

Your body is going to have to switch fuel sources and will need a new cellular process to accomplish this.

When you follow this plan, your cells will change over and adapt, which usually takes between three days and two weeks.

It all depends on how serious your insulin resistance is.

During this adjustment phase, you might experience some of the following symptoms:



Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Take 2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar - fermented, (ACV) in a 16-ounce glass of water.

Add some lemon juice (2 Tbsp).

This will help the transition into fat burning and increase your digestion and energy.

Lemon can also decrease any risk of kidney stones if you are susceptible.

B Vitamins

Doing ketosis requires more B vitamins to allow the energy factories (mitochondria) to do their job.

When someone is deficient in B vitamins, they can experience fatigue and more stress.

Potassium (Electrolytes)

The body requires key minerals when doing keto, specifically potassium and magnesium.

However, you should never take only one mineral without the related ones, as it can create an imbalance.

Using a high-quality electrolyte blend is recommended.

Drink Deer Park water that contains natural minerals.

Take a pinch of Celtic Sea Salt. Light Grey Celtic.

It contains a vital natural mineral blend.

Put a little in your coffee. You'll be amazed at the taste.

Celtic Sea Salt is authentic, unprocessed, whole salt from pristine coastal regions.

The salts retain the natural balance and spectrum of essential minerals, supplying the body with over 74 vital trace minerals and elements.

Light Grey Celtic (1/2 lb)


What kind of liquids should I be drinking that won’t interfere with ketosis?

Avoid alcohol and coconut water.

What is ketoacidosis? Is this good or bad?

Ketoacidosis is a very dangerous condition that happens only when you’re a type 1 diabetic and completely stop making insulin.

This results in raising your acid levels far beyond normal.



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The dietary and other substances, and/or materials, equipment or devices discussed on this site may not have undergone evaluation and/or testing by the United States Food and Drug Administration or like agency of any other country. Risks that might be determined by such testing are unknown. .

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only, it is not meant to substitute medical advice provided by your physician or any other medical professional.

You should not use the information contained on this site for diagnosing or treating a health problem, disease, or prescribing any medication. Please read product label before use.

Best results are only achieved when combined with diet and exercise program.

Check with your doctor before you begin intermittant fasting.



Avoid These Drinks

Keto Food Guide

Exercise And Intermittant Fasting

Fasting And Sleep Apnea

Find Your Ideal Weight    (Find Your Ideal Weight - Maintenance Calories - Alternate Keto Calculator.)

Intermittant Fasting Benefits + 1 You May Not Have Thought About.

Loose Belly Fat

Fasting Helps Lupus

Your Keto Calculator

Fasting Methods

Intermittant Fasting

One Meal A Day (OMAD)



Fearfully & Wonderfully Made
(Psalm 139:14)

Fasting & Autophagy

Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 5:23, wrote: “May the God of peace (shalom) make you completely holy—may your entire spirit, soul and body be kept blameless for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ (Yeshua the Messiah).

Our bodies are fearfully and wonderfully made, but the thief (Satan) comes to rob, kill, and destroy.

The benefits of fasting.

While most believers know the spiritual benefit of fasting, few know about its physical benefit.

Our body is God’s holy temple, and our Creator designed the human body with the ability to repair itself at the cellular level through autophagy when we fast.

Autophagy is a process of cellular metabolism—self-cannibalization—in which invading microbes, damaged cytoplasm, and organelles get broken down and then used to generate energy and build new proteins and membranes.

During autophagy, the body begins to repair the damage done by degenerative diseases, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, infectious diseases including mold, skin aging, and even cancer.

How long must one fast in order to achieve a state of autophagy?

Autophagy does not begin until the body’s glucose and insulin levels drop considerably.

So if you eat the Modern American Diet (MAD) which is 70% carbohydrates it will take about 3 days to start buring fat doing intermittant fasting.

But if you normally eat a low-carb diet like Keto (20 carbohydrates a day or less) you enter autophagy after 16-18 hours of fasting.

That is why so many people on Keto incorporate intermittent fasting of 18 hours a day every or most days.

The father of LIES who wants to destroy our holy temples has propagated the lie that “it’s healthier to eat six small meals a day than three large ones” through unwitting health care providers.

But more frequent eating (along with a high carbohydrate diet) desensitizes our cells to insulin, creating “insulin resistance”, the root cause of not only type two diabetes but many other chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, arthritis, and even dementia. (Many doctors now refer to Alzheimer’s as type 3 diabetes.)

Recent research suggests that over two-thirds of adults currently have some level of insulin resistance.

But just as misrepresentations of facts can be found in so many biology textbooks that perpetuate a belief in evolution, much of the nutrition information presented to the public comes from outdated and unreliable sources in the food (sugar) and agriculture industry.

There is a reason almost all processed food contains sugar.

Its addictive and makes your body crave more.

The sugar industry and all the processed food industry want to keep your addicted to sugar so they can keep selling their products.

Sugar is your enemy. Avoid processed food and junk food.